man reading book in library

With a goal of self-sufficiency, we want to emphasize the value of education here in our community. At this time, the high school dropout rate is 28% and the unemployment rate is 17.5% and growing, but since we know education is the key to living a life of abundance, we offer a variety of free adult enrichment programs to give our clients the necessary tools to thrive from poverty. Here at Every Day is a Miracle, we recognize that in order to access new opportunities, one must keep learning and growing. When basic needs are met, there is room to grow beyond what once seemed possible.

Man helping two women on computer

Computer Classes

We live in the age of technology, and basic computer skills are a must-have in today’s job market. With program training that includes: Microsoft Office, email set-up, file storage, and more, clients will become up-to-date with basic current technology trends for everyday living as well as for the workforce.

supporting entrepreneurs - man baking bread

Entrepreneur Support

Have you always dreamed of starting your own business and working for yourself? Entrepreneurship is on the rise, and with our help you could be the next successful small business. We provide startup assistance, financing education, and one-on-one support so that you can get started on the right foot.

plate of healthy foods

Stay Healthy Club

Every Day is a Miracle is also focused on increasing the health and well being of our community by educating and equipping individuals with healthy food choices and access to preventative health assessments.

group of people working on laptops

Job Readiness Training

Searching for and securing a job is difficult and time consuming. With our job readiness training, clients will learn how to create an appealing resume, complete an application, land and nail an interview, and access work-appropriate clothing. With a goal of self sufficiency, participants will be well on their way with extensive support. Our job readiness team will be available for one-on-one assistance.

coins spilling out of tipped over jar to donate to Everyday is a Miracle

Financial Literacy

Through individualized and group finance counseling, we bridge the gap to economic stability by introducing clients to easy budgeting tips, money management advice, healthy spending habits, and credit education to improve their overall financial well being. This class will also address how to manage SNAP benefits to maximize a monthly budget.